On Thursday, the students had their first test, and so that evening they were ready to celebrate one milestone of this journey being complete. After over a week of little meat, and almost no red meat, the students discovered a steak house here in Bangalore. So, Thursday evening we all loaded into cabs to make the almost 2 hour trek (but only about 17 miles, more proof of the horrible traffic) to Millers 46. We had made reservations, and so they had a whole floor of the restaurant set aside for us. It was a very fun and authentic place, complete with a picture of John Wayne on the bathroom door! The steaks were large and cheap (about $8 each).
We are walking entertainment where ever we go, and Thursday night was no exception. The Millers 46 waiters seemed to thoroughly enjoy our visit. When we finished dinner, we headed back to Purple Haze, where we were met by hellos, handshakes, and hugs from the staff that fondly remembered us from the prior week. By the time we piled back into the cabs to head home, I think everyone in our group had had their picture taken with at least one person working at Purple Haze. It was a great evening, and a great start to the weekend!
We are walking entertainment where ever we go, and Thursday night was no exception. The Millers 46 waiters seemed to thoroughly enjoy our visit. When we finished dinner, we headed back to Purple Haze, where we were met by hellos, handshakes, and hugs from the staff that fondly remembered us from the prior week. By the time we piled back into the cabs to head home, I think everyone in our group had had their picture taken with at least one person working at Purple Haze. It was a great evening, and a great start to the weekend!