Saturday, June 25, 2011

On to Kabini

After 2 days in Mysore, it was time to head to Kabini. On the way, we stopped at a silk factory and got to see all the steps invloved in getting the silk from the worms to the finished goods - sarees and ties in this case. It was very interesting to see the process! After the silk factory, we headed down the road to a sandalwood factory, where soap and incense are made. This factory tour wasn't terribly entertaining, as our guide spoke very little English and was difficult to hear. However, we did see the factory workers hand packaging the incense, manually counting out bundles of 100. In India, labor is so cheap that the idea of automating these processes doesn't even occur to them. After a stop at a liquor store (students had to stock up for the next 2 days) we were finally headed down the road to Kabini.

After 2 hours, one of which was spent on a dirt road full of potholes, we arrived at Orange County Resort. This place was amazing! It is an all inclusive resort, on the river, and very secluded. Once we got there, there was no leaving until the buses rolled out 2 days later. Each set of roommates had their own hut with a jacuzzi in it. I don't have a roommate, so I had my own hut, and due to all my hard work on this trip, got upgraded by Pawan (our tour guide) to a hut with a pool!

Upon arrival we had an amazing lunch - all meals there were amazing, as they had a very large continental buffet, and served butter naan at the table. Following lunch the students headed to the pool with the professor, while I worked out the details of the upcoming safaris that we would all be taking at some point over our 3 day stay. After the pool, it was on to naps, showers, and taking in a cultural dance before dinner. After dinner (which lasted about 3 hours as we would sit and talk for some time afterwords) we had designated party huts, where the majority of our group of 66 gathered. We had a ton of fun, and given that there were no curfew or noise rules, didn't manage to get into any trouble (the first on a Friday night for our group). For me, this meant I actually got to relax, as I knew where all students were, and that they were all safe.

When we finally made it to bed, we all slept well that night!

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